Dental Bonding
Kent Dental Clinic
Dental Bonding
Bonding is a conservative method of fixing mildly cracked, stained, or misaligned teeth. A white filling is applied to your teeth during dental bonding to enhance its appearance. The filling “bonds” with your tooth and closely resembles your real teeth thanks to its availability in a range of tooth-colored tones.
Silver amalgam can be replaced with tooth bonding for dental fillings. Bonded fillings are popular among patients since the white tint is significantly less obvious than silver. Depending on the location and severity of the tooth decay, bonded fillings may be utilized on either the front or the back teeth.
Bonding typically requires just one visit to our clinic and is less expensive than other cosmetic procedures. Bonding is less durable than other cosmetic procedures like porcelain veneers and is more prone to staining. Inform your physician if it does break or chip. In most cases, the bonding can be patched or repaired in a single visit.